FOSBER Slitter Blades & Grinding wheels in Corrugated board industry
:yinglong :2017-09-30 11:36:10
The thin cutter blades & knives esp. For slitter scorer machine in corrugate is highly recommended.” YING LONG ” Processes the unique skills & technologies. As well as over 40 years experience on manufacturing, R&D of Blades and Knives. We are capable to provide the best qualities with the most competitive prices to our honorable customers around the world.
In Carton Box industry, Grinding Wheels are often equipped as the famous corrugated producing lines, like BHS, AGNATI, MARQUIP, MINGWEI, TCY, HEISH HSU, JUSTU, J.S, KAITUO etc. Two kinds of Grinding Wheels could be used in this field, Diamond Grinding Wheel and CBN Grinding Wheel.
Grinding Wheels are used for sharpening Slitting Blades for slitting the Carton Board. Every certain time, the Slitting Blades needs to be sharpened and keep its sharpness, aiming to keep the Cutting Result of Carton Board, Keep Tidy and Clean and Straight.
According to the different features of Diamond Grinding Wheels and CBN Grinding Wheels. The chosen of Grinding Wheel is totally different.
Diamond Grinding Wheel could be matched with Tungsten Carbide Blade;
CBN Grinding Wheel could be matched with High Speed Steel Blade.
Grinding wheels for FOSBER as following: