Related knowledge of Chainsaw
:yinglong :2017-11-18 09:31:22
Chainsaw is a portable saw, powered by gasoline engine. It is mainly used for logging and making materials, and its working principle is to make the shear motion by the transverse motion of the l-shaped blade interlaced on the saw chain. Chain saws are classified into motor chain saws, non-mobile chain saws, etc.
What are the precautions when using chainsaw?
1. 1. Always check the chain tensioning, turn off the engine when checking and adjust, and wear protective gloves. The proper condition of tensioning is that when the chain is under the guide plate, the chain can be pulled by hand.
2. There must always be a little oil in the chain. Check chain lubrication and lubricating oil tank for each time before work. Chain no lubrication must not work, such as working with a drying chain, which can damage the cutting device.
3. Never use old motor oil. The old engine oil can not satisfy the lubrication requirement, not apply to the chain lubrication.
4. If the oil level in the fuel tank does not decrease, it may be the lubrication conveying failure. Check the chain lubrication and check the oil circuit. It can also lead to a poor supply of lubricants through contaminated strainer. Clean or replace the lubricating oil filter in the fuel tank and pump.
5. After replacing the new chain, it takes two to three minutes to grind the chain. Check the chain tensioning after grinding, and adjust it if necessary. The new chains need to be tightened more often than the ones that have been used for some time. In cold state, the chain must stick to the bottom of the guide plate, but the chain can be moved by hand. If necessary, fasten the chain. When the working temperature is reached, the chain of saws is slightly pendulous, and the driving section below the guide plate cannot be separated from the chain slot, otherwise the chain will jump ship and need to be re-tensioned.
6. The chain must be relaxed after work. The chain will shrink when it cools, and no loose chain will damage the crankshaft and bearing. If the chain is tight at work, the chain shrinks when it cools, and the chain is too tight to damage the crankshaft and the bearing.